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Family Office Services

The DWM Family Office offers a comprehensive approach to managing wealth, coordinating with financial advisors, accountants, attorneys, and other professionals to ensure a unified strategy tailored to your unique circumstances. This integrated service aims to enrich your current lifestyle while securing your family's financial future for generations.

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Who Needs a Family Office?

For too many families, wealth complicates life as much as it enriches it, consuming time and creating constant stress. Involving skilled professionals can help, but they often concentrate on individual specialties. Long-term success is fully realized only when wealth is orchestrated to focus on the needs of your family as a whole.

1. For unexpected events

Life presents opportunities and problems, sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly. Having your financial advisor, tax advisor, attorney, and insurance advisor all connected and understanding your circumstances can help to maximize potentials or minimize losses. DWM Family Office can help ensure that all the principal players in your life are connected and informed for whatever lies ahead.

2. DWM Family Office is for your “future self”

All the members of your professional team will be in place when you may be less able to make decisions—or for your family when you are no longer around. DWM Family Office immediately formalizes your team of professionals, today, outlines your family’s financial capabilities and obligations so all parties are kept current, and helps to ensure that your surviving spouse and family members are left in the best possible circumstances—whenever that day comes.

3. Capable guidance

Success is often dependent upon the capabilities of the professionals you rely upon. Investors who are guided by highly capable advisors simply enjoy more profitable outcomes than those who rely on people who may be well-intended but may not be notable in the quality of their advice. DWM Family Office provides its clients with experienced and highly successful professionals for your ideas and aspirations.
Family Office Chart

Wealth is more complicated than investments alone.

It's entwined through every aspect of our lives—from business and financial interests, to real estate and other assets, to household administration, and even family aspirations...things that can't be measured by year-end performance.

When faced with such complexity, practical families typically assemble a team of trusted professionals for guidance. Financial advisors to focus on the growth and health of their portfolios. Accountants, attorneys, and insurance consultants to minimize liabilities and identify opportunities.

Unfortunately, though they all work on the behalf of a family, they often do so separately, concentrating on objectives within their own fields of expertise.

Generational Wealth

We believe that wealth—true wealth, the kind that secures retirements and spans generations—results from a broader vision and a more coordinated approach. That building and preserving a legacy requires looking beyond your lifetime. That families are better served when everyone works together in concert, under the direction of DWM Family Office.

Coordinated wealth management for generational success.

Integrating the services and expertise essential to enriching your life and enhancing your family’s overall wealth offers advantages beyond the financial. With DWM Family Office as the lead, we coordinate with your other professionals and ensure they share a common vision—one that's highly attuned to your unique circumstances.

It's rather like having a CFO for your family. An expert to help you realize your immediate goals while, at the same time, looking to the next generation to improve your family's financial future.

Wealth Management

Get Started Ready to Establish Your Own DWM Family Office?

Working in accord with your other professionals, we ensure the focus remains on one common goal: increasing wealth to enrich your lifestyle today and secure a legacy for future generations.

The Family Office: a Rich History

Rockefeller Carnegie Vanderbilt
Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt are synonymous with wealth and legacy

Rockefeller. Carnegie. Vanderbilt. The very names synonymous with great wealth and enduring legacies were among the first to establish private offices to manage and preserve their families’ fortunes.

Their strategy of treating accumulated personal assets like a business lives on in the modern family office, as does the belief that one lifetime must be considered the short-term. Until recently, family offices were available to only the most affluent of investors.

Today, DWM Family Office helps investors with more modest, but still significant, means amass greater wealth by understanding, managing, and coordinating its ongoing complexities.

The Dow family understands these complexities well. We’ve been in the investment business for over 80 years—surrounded by capable investment expertise, accountants, and attorneys—providing sound advice through every market environment and ever-changing family dynamics.

Over three generations, we’ve learned that successful lives are those which are thoughtfully advised. Even with the most expert guidance, though, many families still fall short of their full potential because they lack a master plan that connects the professionals who assist them. DWM Family Office now formalizes the benefits that Dow Wealth Management has provided for three generations. Working in accord with your other advisors, we ensure everyone’s focus remains on one common goal: increasing your financial security to enrich your lifestyle today and secure a legacy for future generations.